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Today is the day. After 5 years of research, you are ready to present your final project to the Academy of Magic and become licensed as a credentialed mage. Although you have trained in the basics of all general studies, the emphasis on your research has been rather niche: you have been studying magical horticulture. Your first project, a flowers that could produce pure gold, was deemed innovatively interesting but not of sufficient impact to promote you past the rank of journeyman due to the number of other methods mages have available for more quickly producing pure gold in larger quantities when necessary. Given how important gems are to the process of focusing magical energies, you took on the task of devising a method to grow magical plants capable of sprouting pure stones for use in rituals. You were able to refine plants to produce each of the four common gems used in spells: rubies, emeralds, sapphires, and topaz. Then, through a long program of magical manipulation and careful breeding, you were able to refine a plant that could generate that most sought after gem: a diamond.